Connection Impact

King or Fool?

    “Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”                                              George Lucas

    I recently listened to an interview where the person who was being interviewed said that there’s a fool and a king in all of us. Whether the fool or the king responds, depends on who you are talking to.

    Naturally, all of us want others to see the king or queen in us. We want to be perceived as someone who adds value and makes a positive contribution. When others recognise and acknowledge the good in us, it’s much easier to believe that we are able and have a meaningful purpose in life.

    This concept is central to the Christian life. Even before you were born, the Lord has set out a plan and purpose for your life. This plan is inherently good. It involves that which is best for you according to God’s perfect knowledge (not your limited human knowledge) and makes you become the best version of yourself. It enables you to step into your role and identity of being a child of the ultimate and everlasting King.

    Practically, this requires having a close, personal relationship with God, walking with Him daily and yielding to His instructions and guidance. When you do that, you bring out the king or queen within yourself.

    Satan, however, wants you to believe that you’re not worthy so that you become less effective in whatever you put your hands and mind to. He wants you to focus on your shortcomings and failures, to the extent that you end up believing you’re not good enough and that you don’t add any value. He wants you to believe you’re a fool. 

    When you fall for the enemy’s lies, you’re not stepping into your purpose. What’s more, because you focus on the negative things within you, you also focus on your partner’s inadequacies, turning both of you into fools. This gives Satan a lot of satisfaction – dis-empowering us to fulfill our purpose is exactly what he wants. That’s why you have a responsibility in marriage to also call out God’s plan over each other by focusing on the king or queen in your partner.

    Now, talking to the fool within yourself and your spouse can easily become a habit. This is where it becomes very dangerous because these fools then become the main characters in your life story.

    As children of God, you have to actively fight these lies from the enemy. You do this by directing your time and energy to the one and only King and His kingdom. The Lord tells us to focus our attention on the things that are above, things that are not of this world: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2 NIV). When you do this, you see things from God’s perspective – including yourself and the person you are doing life with. As a result, you’ll be able to talk to the king or queen in your spouse. 

    The first step is to make an intentional choice to focus on the king or queen in your partner.  Ask the Lord to show you all the positive attributes and character traits of your spouse and to help you become more aware of these as you do life together.

    When both of you focus on the king or queen within the other, the way you think about and act towards each other will start to change. Your marriage will reap the fruits of transformation – fruit fit for a king and queen.

    Make the choice today to see and talk to the king or queen in your partner.

    Questions to think and talk about:
    1. What is holding you back from seeing the king or queen in each other?
    2. How can you address these obstacles?
    3. Take turns to name each other’s best qualities and character traits, including specific things the other has done in the past or regularly do
    that add value.
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